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“TICI Handmade” is a protected trademark and may not be used in any way without written permission. The website is the property of CARTOTECNICA TICI GROUP srl.


TICI Handmade’s AFFILIATE program is a business partnership agreement whereby ticihandmade recognizes a commission for each successful purchase made on the website by visitors from the AFFILIATE’s website, link or advertisements. To join requires explicit acceptance of all terms of the following agreement, under the terms and conditions, described below. AFFILIATE means the applicant and, therefore, in case of acceptance of the terms of the agreement, the beneficiary of the commissions. AFFILIATE WEBSITE means the website on which links to of TICI Handmade will be placed.


To join the AFFILIATION program, an AFFILIATION application must be completed. TICI Handmade will consider all applications reserving the right to accept or reject the application. In particular, applications will not be accepted for sites with violent, obscene, pornographic content; sites that promote discrimination related to race, sex, religion, age, and sexual orientation; or, again, websites that violate copyrights or promote illegal activities; sites of poor quality, with only banner ads or under construction, overly commercial and eCommerce sites. In addition, under no circumstances will sites that may in any way harm the image of TICI Handmade be considered. In this sense, TICI Handmade reserves the right to revoke, at any time, the AFFILIATION agreement described herein, in the event that the agreed terms are not met, and to take legal action, in circumstances where the prerequisites are met. TICI Handmade does not impose exclusivity on the affiliate site, the AFFILIATE may at any time decide to terminate the agreement, it will be sufficient to notify the termination of the relationship via e-Mail. Commissions accrued up to that time will be recognized according to the terms of the agreement. TICI Handmade will periodically send communications of an informative and promotional nature through newsletters, by joining the program, you agree to receive the newsletter for the duration of the agreement.


Links between TICI Handmade and AFFILIATES may be created through banners, hyperlinks and/or other forms of advertising agreed upon with the AFFILIATE. Links may link directly to the home page or refer to a specific internal page; the choice of the type and quantity of links is at the AFFILIATE’s complete discretion. If links are made to individual titles, it will be the responsibility of the affiliate site to check that they are in the TICI Handmade catalog. TICI Handmade assumes no responsibility for any errors in the descriptions of the titles, nor in case of unauthorized use, by the AFFILIATE site of text, quotations, photographic reproductions or any other visual or audiovisual material protected by copyright law and employed by the affiliate in violation thereof. EXCEPTIONS TO THE USE OF TICIHANDMADE LINKS/LINKS. IT IS ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN unless expressly authorized in writing by TICI Handmade:


AFFILIATE is responsible for the development, management and maintenance of its own site and all elements used in its creation. TICI Handmade disclaims any liability for any damages or expenses arising from the development, operation, maintenance and content of the AFFILIATE site.


A commission is awarded to the AFFILIATE on the sale of products to customers who meet all of the following requirements:

Visitors are free to browse for an unlimited period, a commission will be paid to the AFFILIATE for all purchases made in the browsing session.

Commissions are not recognized for:

TICI Handmade will recognize a commission for each item sold in the manner described above equal to:

This commission is recognized on any item in the catalog, even if the product is sold at a discounted price. Commissions are calculated in the following ways: full price of the product deducted from any line discounts, overall discounts on the order, application of coupons and/or gift cards, and if present from VAT. Commissions will be recognized for orders placed during the term of this agreement and for which TICI Handmade has received payment from customers. Commissions will not be recognized on the amounts of shipping costs related to orders placed.


The selling price of products sold through this program will be determined by TICI Handmade according to its own pricing policies. Product prices may vary by including any increases in the interim due to increased raw material costs etc.


Commissions represent an occasional service between TICI Handmade and the AFFILIATE. If the person is tax domiciled in Italy, the service is subject to withholding tax, which must be shown on the invoice.

Fees are understood to be net of any type of RECOVERY (INPS, INNERCASSA, etc.), so these recharges are the full responsibility of the affiliate.

Fees are net of VAT and withholding tax only.


The affiliate by accessing his control panel will be able to view the summary statement of commissions accrued at any time. The AFFILIATE against this statement of account and with reference to the accrued commissions, will be required to issue an invoice or debit note (in the case of individuals) for occasional services. Payment of the invoice issued by the affiliate site will be made by TICI Handmade within 5 days from the date of receipt of the invoice or debit note via PayPal, on the email indicated by the AFFILIATE.


Accrued data are always available and searchable at with restricted access in the affiliate partner area. The data are updated daily in real time. From your restricted access you can get a report of accrued commissions and a detail of items sold.


If an item is returned by the customer at a time subsequent to its receipt the commission that had been recognized for that product may be deducted from the next payment or if there is no next payment the amount will be billed to the AFFILIATE.


TICI Handmade is only responsible for processing orders placed by customers who have followed a link from the AFFILIATE site. The order must be completed according to the standard procedures of Order processing, payments, shipping, returns, and customer service are the responsibility of TICI Handmade. All rules and policies of TICI Handmade and concerning the handling of orders placed on its site will also apply to orders received through links on the Affiliate site.


TICI Handmade agrees to place online on its website a daily updated report of commissions earned complete with details of items sold. AFFILIATE shall be responsible for ensuring that the links are made exactly according to the directions provided by TICI Handmade, which is a prerequisite for being able to provide the commission report. TICI Handmade in compliance with Privacy Laws does not provide AFFILIATE with the names and other personal information regarding its customers.


TICI Handmade undertakes to keep its website fully functional, except in case of force majeure or interruptions due to ordinary and extraordinary maintenance. In any case, TICI Handmade cannot be held responsible for any of the consequences of such interruptions.


This agreement shall run from the date of acceptance of the AFFILIATE’s application made in the manner described in Article 1. This agreement will automatically renew until the AFFILIATE’s inactivity or application. After 12 months of inactivity, the agreement shall be considered terminated and the AFFILIATE’s account shall revert back to a disenrolled account. Any AFFILIATE who has not logged into for more than 12 months, has not received clicks or new commissions for more than 12 months will be considered inactive. The AFFILIATE may at any time and without the need to provide explanations decide to terminate the agreement. It will be sufficient to give notice by e-mail. Commissions accrued up to that time will be paid according to the terms of the agreement.


TICI Handmade reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of this agreement by giving notice to the AFFILIATE and by posting the text of the new agreement online on its website; if the AFFILIATE decides not to accept the changes made, it must promptly notify TICI Handmade in writing by e-mail, and this agreement shall be deemed terminated. If the AFFILIATE fails to notify TICI Handmade, the changes shall be deemed accepted by the AFFILIATE.


For any dispute related to this agreement, the Court of Lecce will have jurisdiction.


In compliance with the provisions of Art. 13 of Legislative Decree No. 196 of 30/06/2003, ticihandmade informs that the personal data being processed are collected for the purpose of:

In relation to the aforementioned purposes, we inform you that the processing of personal data is carried out with the help of paper and computer tools so as to ensure the security and confidentiality of data in compliance with Legislative Decree 196/2003. This information is provided for the data:

The provision of personal data is indispensable for the purposes of fulfilling the contractual obligations undertaken, and any refusal to process the data will result in the impossibility of fulfilling the contract and related legal obligations. However, the provision of data is optional for the purpose of sending promotional material and e-mails. Personal data will not be transferred to anyone. In order to fulfill legal and contractual obligations, the data may instead be communicated to:

The Data Controller keeps the trace (LOG) of the connections/navigations made in order to respond to any requests from the judicial authority or other public body entitled to request said trace. We also inform you that, pursuant to Art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, the data subject has the right:

TICI Handmade does not process any data of a sensitive nature, should this be necessary a specific consent to data processing will be requested. Finally, please note that the owner of the processing of personal data is Cartotecnica TICI Group srl via Gallo 12 73040 Aradeo (LE). For any request regarding privacy and to exercise the rights established by art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 you can write to